KEDT Auction
Please join us as a volunteer at the KEDTV auction on Friday night, May 10. Our club is the Auction Angel for the 8:30 pm – 12 midnight segment. You can volunteer 8:30-10:30 p.m. or 10:30 -midnight, OR, the entire evening – more fun. I ask you to represent our club in either of two ways: serve as a Bid Taker, which means answering the incoming calls from bidders; or, become a star and serve as on – air reader of the items being auctioned. This is fun and your 20 second shot at fame. Basically, a head shot of you for a few seconds, then your voice describing the items being shown for auction. We need 8 on – air announcers; 4 in each segment. On – air folks will be chosen of first come basis so let me know now.
We need comittment to assure in advance that we’re staffed for the evening. Let me know if you want to be on – air or bid taker. You can bring along your spouse, adult friend – just let me know names and contact information. We ask everyone to wear a Rotary T-shirt. The location is the brand new KEDTV studio located at 3205 South Staples, 78411.
Our club will be featured throughout the evening – a video about us; a visual of our Club Logo featured when we do our on-air segments; and Crystal Mead will be interviewed by Don Dunlap, KEDTV President and member of our Club. We’re introducing Rotary Day of Service to the community in this segment.
I’ve worked at the auction in many capacities for over 20 years and can tell you it’s so much fun. We laugh a lot; we bond with each other; we help a great organization, KEDTV, and this year, we’ll promote our outstanding club and our Flags for Heroes Project.
Doug Johnson
Cell 361 774 4141