The Rotary Club of Corpus Christi is 100 years old. As the first service club in Corpus Christi and South Texas, the Rotary Club has a long history of service to our community. From organizing and supporting the Boy Scout Council in Corpus Christi (1920) to planting over 100,000 trees throughout the city. From providing leadership training for over 2500 youth through RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award Camp) to awarding over $650,000 in grants for conservation initiatives through the Harvey Weil Sportsman Conservationist program, the Rotary Club of Corpus Christi has made a difference in our community.
You are invited to join the Centennial Celebration!
Help us celebrate a century of Rotary service to South Texas!
Delicious eats! Dancing! A totally fun skit on the history of Rotary!
Friday, November 7, 2014, 6:30-9:30 pm
Solomon Ortiz Center
402 Harbor Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
$55 per person before November 1
$65 per person after November 1 or at door
Proceeds from this event will support Polio Plus
Attire: Business Casual
Order your tickets today! Online below, mail your registration, or call 361-882-8672.
(This event replaces the Rotary Club of Corpus Christi’s regular meeting on Thursday, November 6, 2014)
Online Registration
(click on the appropriate link below):
Rotary Club of Corpus Christi Members (contact information is pre-populated from Directory)
– click on the Calendar tab