High School Student Recognition

Our high school student recognition program honors top high school students in Corpus Christi.  During the Spring semester, two of the top students from each high school and their parents are invited to our luncheon where they get an opportunity to speak to our club and receive recognition.

Participating schools include:

  • Annapolis Christian,
  • Branch Academy,
  • Calallen High School,
  • Carroll High School,
  • Collegiate High School,
  • Flour Bluff High School,
  • John Paul II High School,
  • King High School,
  • London ISD,
  • Incarnate Word Academy,
  • Miller High School,
  • Moody High School,
  • Ray High School,
  • School of Science and Technology,
  • Tuloso-Midway High School,
  • Veterans Memorial High School, and
  • West Oso High School.


Rotarian Rita J Molina is coordinating our club participation.
If you would like to host a school during our meetings, please contact
Rita at Rita.molina@lkjordan.com.


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